Kinsey and Bode find themselves in a desperate, seemingly unwinnable battle against a rising army of living shadows, while Tyler faces down Dodge in a terrifying duel of wits and wills.

Writer: Joe Hill
Artist: Gabriel Rodriguez
Cover: Gabriel Rodriguez

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 24.5%


JesTr03/19/10YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.7
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  1. I knew this was gonna be a good week.

  2. I’m 100% sure my store won’t get this this week. And it fucking suck!

  3. One of the few books that I feel people NEED to buy.

  4. LCS won’t be getting this or Echo this week! LAME!

  5. I just finished Heart Shaped Box, and I’m reading 20th Century Ghost now (both of Joe Hill’s non-comic books), then I’ll have to pick up his new one. They are both great suspense/horror books- very worth checking out!

  6. It’s my POW every week it comes out.  It really is THAT good.  Wake up people!!

  7. @HailScott: AGREED!!! I read and loved both Heart Shaped Box and 20th Century Ghosts. Picked up his new book Horns recently and have only got about 25 pages in and it is already amazing!

  8. sooooo bet this wont actually show u in my shop this week

  9. Always a great week when this comes out.

    I’m curious, do some of you guys not preorder or have a pull list at your shop? That’s pretty much the only way I got my LCS to order me Phonogram when it was coming out.

  10. No I have it preordered, and my shop stocks a ton of indie books anyway this book never shops to my shop (on the east coast) on time

  11. That sucks!

  12. @peter- Same here.

  13. Yeah and the last issue ups lost the box this was in do i just got it last week. Sigh

  14. @drakedangerz: My "lcs" is really mostly a gaming store- he only stocks the most obvious top 15-20 comics per week. I have to preorder everything, which really sucks- sometimes I am pre-ordered for 2-3 issues ahead of something before I realize it sucks (I mean, um, it’s "not for me"). On the other hand, everything I want is preordered and always there when it comes out, so, take the good with the bad.

  15. @drake I just tell my dealer what I want, and he orders it.  I guess I’m spoiled from the sound of how many people complain about getting late books.  Sorry to hear about the frustration.

  16. Yeah, it sucks that the great indy books suffer more from lateness than the rest of the bunch. But I’m fortunate that I haven’t really ever been effected by something like that. (Hope I’m not jinxing myself by saying that!)

  17. My store pre-order everything 3 months in advance, I have a pulled list and its the first time this kind of thing happened in 4 years.

  18. Perfection. Plain and simple.

  19. Did not get mine today. aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhh!

  20. My shop ad no fucking idea this was suppose to come out today. Like dears in fucking headlights!

    Oh and @drake- Fuck you! You lucky bastard!;) Two months in a row.

  21. 😛

    Trust me, I feel your pain. It’s worth the wait though, I’m sure you’ll really dig this issue. (not that that’s any different from the issues before though) 

  22. Great issue!!! I feel a review coming on.

    @HailScott I’m currently reading Horns, thanks to the excerpt in the back of the last L & K issue.  After I finish I’ll read Heart Shaped Box.

    @drake: I have a pull list at my LCS but just for current monthlies. I miss out on minis and one shots quite a bit.  However, the LCS comic shop knows me well enough to hold some things for me even if I don’t request it, which is cool of them.

  23. Avatar photo Paul Montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) says:

    Soooooo goooooooooood. 

  24. Man, not at my store either.  Any one know why its not showing up on time at several stores across the country?  I live in Houston, TX so its not like I’m in the middle of no where.

  25. Great paced book.  Almost my pow.  These stories are so good read back to back.  Can’t get enough!!!!

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