KICK-ASS 2 #6 (OF 7)

The Mother****er and his team of Toxic Mega-***** are running rampant through New York City.

With his life in shatters and his allies dead or locked away in prison, it falls to Kick-Ass to strike back against the supervillain uprising, with a little help from everyone’s favorite pint-size death-dealer: Hit-Girl.

The fight to save NYC from the Mother****er’s masterplan beings here!

Story by Mark Millar
Art by John Romita Jr.
Cover by John Romita Jr. & Tom Palmer

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.3%
Avg Rating: 3.7
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  1. Great to see HIt Girl back!!!

  2. The tagline is to funny esp since this is a Marvel book

    • Yeah, the only Marvel books I buy are Millar’s and they’re 2.99. I appreciate the pricing and he has my business for the foreseeable future.

  3. Based on the end of last issue, this issue should be AWESOME.

    There will be blood.

  4. I love Kick-Ass’ little upgrade. I truly cannot wait to see a more bad-ass Kick-Ass teamed up with Hit-Girl! Is it tomorrow yet!?!

  5. Glad this is almost all out.

    I’ll start reading it soon.

    • yeah the delays were brutal, so even tho i have been reading it when it comes out when its all said and done i am gonna have to read it again before I can say if i like it or not. if i knew the delays were gonna be like this i would have just waited.

    • Yeah some of the delays on certain independent or creator-owned titles are starting to turn me off from supporting them in issue format. It becomes an issue when stuff is already filed in a longbox three boxes down and another issue finally arrives. I think trade-waiting is really the only thing to do when delayed books finish months or even years later, especially for a single-digit run.

      I’m getting really sick of trying to find where I filed the previous issues, and to keep up with which issues I have.

  6. I hear you player1. I’m not even to the point of going through files, i’m going through piles!

  7. This issue was the tits! Can’t wait until ish 7 comes out.

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