Comic Books
Obsidian at long last reunites with his father Alan Scott after the intense madness of the recent JLA/JSA crossover as both come to terms with what their family has just been through. Can these two heroes pick up the pieces and move on after the devastation they’ve just survived? Don’t miss this special issue written by superstar scribe James Robinson!
Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 22.5%
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I wonder if this one is self contained. I’ve been sticking with JSA. I like Obsidian. Hope to learn a little more about it. There’s so many characters in JSA and I like the little spotlight issues.
My opinion: Jesus Merino’s art was the best thing (if not the most consistently good) about JSA during Willingham’s arc. I will miss his sturdy and classy style, quite fitting for our ageing super hero family. Hopefully his pairing with Robinson this month will get Merino some more visibility, acclaim, and then some more gigs.
I would love it if this book got back to being really good, like when Johns used to write it. But I really don’t think Marc Guggenheim (who wrote a dreadfully dull Spidey store I couldn’t stand) is the man to do it. 🙁
@Chrisflinchbaugh – Agreed 100% on Merino. it’s good to see him back for one more issue. Doubly pleased to see that he’s inking himself.
Hopefully DC does right by him and`hand him a steady gig.
I have lost all faith in Robinson. I am now considering not completing my read of Starman, despite thinking it was awesome. That is how much faith I have lost. Like a priest at a satannic orgy, I am.
I don’t know what people are expecting. I think Robinson’s run on JLA is pretty neat. I really enjoyed his JLA/JSA story. I am not really sure what folks don’t like about his JLA. It is not all big guns in one book, but I think they are saving that for a future Geoff Johns run. This is exactly what Robinson has always been about: his own team. His Own Style. His own books. He has made them any way he could if it is by writing Starman, Relauching the JSA, or having a team of JLAers who are not traditonal JLAers.
i like robinson but i think this issue was rushed a bit ie the word ballon screw up between obsidian and alan scott
I haven’t been impressed with Robinson’s recent work. I picked up JSA again just for the JLA crossover and found it wanting — though I’m thrilled Jade is back among the living.
Can’t say I find Guggenheim’s new direction for JSA promising, so I’ll be dropping this series again. Frankly, it hasn’t been really strong since the end of the last series. Even Johns’ work on volume II was weaker than his work on volume I.
@TomO – Alex Segura over at DC’s Source blog ( also seems to agree about Merino’s great work. He seems to be hinting at something coming with this section.
Robinson and Merino on perhaps another JSA historical masterwork ala Golden Age? Supposedly Robinson has another one planned.
Loved the issue, btw.
This was the least bad issue of the entire crossover, and it was the epilogue. Count me among the camp that wants nothing to do with Robinson for the foreseeable future. This crossover, for me, was excruciating. Looking forward to the next issue of JSA, but Robinson has persuaded me to drop JLA for the first time in ten years.