Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 32.4%
Avg Rating: 4.3
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  1. All this time, all these one-shots, all of these wasted moments with the Earth-2 crap….This fight better be worth it.

  2. I just want more of Gog’s creepy smile. 

  3. "Penultimate" means second last, right? So, one more issue of this story, after this?? Wow, it just felt like it would go on & on & on …

    Feels weird to have an end in sight. I’m not being sarcastic, it really felt like it would just keep going for years. I don’t even remember when it started. 

  4. Countdown to Black Adam!

  5. If this issue maintains the tension from the end of "The Kingdom" I will be very happy.  I could almost hear everyone present shit their pants when Gog told them to "Worship Me."

    @Kory – That smile should be on the cover of every issue moving forward.  Just replace the DC logo.

    @WadeWilson – This arc begin in 1983.  I remember it fondly.

  6. @stuclach: Yes I remember the beginning of it too….I remember the first mention of Gog while Starman is eating his sloppy joes. I also remember a young lad name Alan Moore and his bizarre story called ‘Watchmen’…Some of you may have heard of it 🙂

  7. It was a good year.

  8. I hope this is an explosion of colored spandex that I hope it will be.

  9. @Stu & Champ — Really? I thought it was before then …

  10. I really started enjoying this story in the recent one-shots.  They seemed more intense.  Before that, it was all "Happy Giant Goes for a Very Long Walk."

  11. @doolittle — Dude, that would be an awesome name for a band.

  12. @ Templar—YES I’m there, Black Adam is the ish

  13. I love the Earth 2 stuff….I would love to see a Justice Society Infinity title, as unlikely as that is…at least a mini would be awesome!!!  Did anyone else notice that in the Superman one shot there was a statue of the grown up Earth 2 Robin in a costume he wore in the sixties…what was this doing in the JSA hq or was this just more DC porn for folks such as I ???

  14. Monday night drinking game. Read all the solicits, every time you see the word penultimate, take a shot.

  15. Well…..this was a bit rushed dont you think? The fight got going after the 4th page and it seems like it was rushed to get to the next issue. Which is weird considering this has been dragging for the last 4 issues.

  16. Can not wait for the next issue, did we need the specials no but i sure as hell enjoyed them

  17. Does anyone else love that version of The Flash we see in this issue? It’s the Kingdom Come Flash where he’s moving so fast, all you see is blurs of him. Great idea Ross had for Flash when he did KC years ago. Eaglesham does a nice job of it too.


    This was awesome! It’s good to see it finally coming to an end! Can’t wait for next issue.

    PS — This is the only (mainstream) comic I think I have ever bought with no credits page! Misprint? Mistake? Or Ross, Johns are just like: "These mother fuckers know who we are" ?

  19. @WadeWilson – I couldn’t agree more. It’s hard to tell whether the lack of a credit page is self-assured or arrogant.

    I think that Alex Ross works well as a story contributor, with Johns doing the tactical execution of dialogue and specifics.

  20. Gog seemed like a nice guy, I’d bow down as long as he pays for my knee replacements.

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