Comic Books
Madame Xanadu’s plan is working! Zatanna, John Constantine, Shade the Changing Man, Mindwarp and Deadman are all being brought together. But will Xanadu’s manipulations blow up in her face when she learns that Enchantress has grown too powerful to be controlled?
Cover by RYAN SOOK
Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.4%
Avg Rating: 3.7
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Another best of 2011!
Really loving this series. I think it’s the only book where everyone isn’t together yet. Hope to see that soon. Sticking with it regardless, but would be nice to see the team all standing together. Such a sucker for that, I am.
Teen titans and this are the only group books where they are not together yet.
Loving this comic-Some of the coolest characters and Milligan writing Shade again is awesome. Big Big fan of his 90’s Shade the Changing man series with Chris Bachalo.
Oh and wow is that not the greatest cover ever
This is a fun book but I’m not sure if it’s worth me buying once a week. I might stick with it through the end of this arc and then consider following it by trade or something.
I wished the pacing of this series would pick up. The last 2 issues were really slow.
It was so hilarious last issue when deadman was acting like such a creep. Awesome
Probably dropping this with issue #6. Not a bad book, just can’t afford it. Glad to see people are digging it.
I need to start trimming the fat as well and as good as this started out and how strongly I feel this issue really left me bored! There I said it! The artwork is fine and all I just figured it would be a little more fun to read and would eventually start to develop the team by now. Due to the first three issues being some of the best comics I have read I will count this up as a lull!
Dropped three of my New 52 series already. This one however just keeps getting better!
Liking this series a lot, think it’s going to read better as long-form though.
It’s cool. I just really look forward to trade reading this series because it looks like it will be really good in that format.
I like to nod to Watchmen in this issue with John Constantine eating cold beans out of the can – ala Rorschach
I wasn’t sure if I was just imagining that as a nod. Glad to hear someone else noticed it.
I don’t know to think of this book, it’s good not good fast slow a mess and tight all at the same time. Maybe it’s intentional.
More Zatanna please.