There’s a story bartenders tell about the devil. That at closing time, he chooses a bar and walks in the door. He’ll want to talk about his day. If you listen and survive, he’ll give you a tip. The story isn’t true, but occasionally it amuses Mephisto to play along. And when he’s spent the day spying on all the earthly gods and what exactly they’re going to do about FEAR ITSELF, you’ll want to hear what he has to say.

Story by Kieron Gillen
Art by Whilce Portacio, Allen Martinez
Colors by Arif Prianto & Jessica Kholinne
Letters by Clayton Cowles
Cover by Stephanie Hans

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%


Jdudley09/29/11YesRead Review
TheNextChampion09/28/11NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.9
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. Well the solict is wrong but what are you going to do?

    Strange not to see Braithwaite on the book still but I think this will still be a great issue.

  2. Portacio instead..? hmmmmm..

  3. I want Braithwaite back, still, the stories in here are amazing. And i hope this Mephisto story will be just as amazing as last one.

  4. Real disappointed to not have Braithwaite on this issue. The art has been spectacular.

    I still have high hopes for this issue as this series has been awesome and the take on Mephisto here is interesting.

  5. Are the pulls for this usually so low?

    • @Natebot: No it’s usually around this mark, it was at 401 last time.

      To be fair it would be higher if it wasn’t for the DC comics. They kinda put the standard of highly pulled comics to shame.

    • Okay thanks, i guess i just assumed that a book this good would have more people reading it. There loss though because this is an excellent book.

  6. Not quite as amazing as previous issues, but still pretty consistently great. Next issue looks like a doozy.

  7. No offense to Whilce Portacio, but I had become quite enamored with the chemistry between Gillen’s story and Braithwaite’s art. This book was less compelling for me than some of the previous entries have been.

  8. I’m missing Braithwaite quite a bit as the fill in artists haven’t been great–serviceable, but not great. Gillen’s writing has still been spot on though, he’s been teaching a masters class in characterization with this title. This trade will be THE Fear Itself trade to own, for sure. This run has been the most cross-the-board enjoyable title on the stands.

  9. I never fail to underestimate this book. Its fantastic every single time and yet every day before i pick it up, i think, “young loki? that’s lame!” Then i open the book and I’m immediately captured. Every. Single. Issue.

  10. I don’t know what happened, but in just a few issues I totally stopped caring about this. People really over-sell this book’s quality.

    • I think the book is quite well done, but I agree that I only barely manage to care every time I have to pull it. Once Loki is no longer the star I think I’m gonna bounce.

  11. i have not seen anything from portacio since old school spawn. he is still good. i think this title still brings it. i mean, granted, it was a little more charming with braithewaite, but gillen is still an awesome writer with interesting stories. i am eagerly awaiting the next issue. is braithewaite done for good? whats his next project?

  12. “Hi, I’m Loki God of Most Clever and this is my Destroyer . . .”

    You know, at the rate we’re going, simply reading the recaps in this series is going to be a highlight of the week. My favorite may still be Leah protesting that she is not Loki’s girlfriend . . .

    I thought that this was another strong issue story-wise,as we saw both Loki’s plan begin to hatch, as well as further developing of the various characters’ relations to each other. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

    I have nothing Portarcio as an artist, but I don’t think that his style suits this book. I really wish that Braidthewaite would come back on again. That said, this book is currently edging out All Star Western for my pick of the week, though I still have a could books left to read.

  13. I love the stories, but the Portacio art was a trudge for me in this issue. I think i’ll be having the same problem when the Aaron/Silvestri Incredible HUlk come out.

  14. This was the first issue of this that I picked up. I know I’m coming in on a story in progress but I found the issue to be extremely hard to follow. Mostly because of the art.

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