Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 3.8
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  1. Ughhh….just when you thought you were safe from a crossover…

  2. It’s Indie Event Mania! First Invincible, now this. 

    I’m actually jumping on with this though, so I guess it worked on me. I’ve been reading in trades but I’m behind. Hopefully I won’t be too confused. 

  3. I would launch an epic tirade of a review, but it’s not worth the time. I am a big proponent of "don’t worry about a jumping on point; you’ll pick it up as you go," except, goddammit, I didn’t want to have to buy this book in the first place. I am not even sure what the central thrust of this nine-part story is; apparently "literals," characters I have never heard of and still have not been introduced to, are causing trouble in this book that is a big enough deal that it means derailing the Fables plotline I actually care about. Will the literals be clarified for me before or after I have spent $15? Useful explanations for the first-time reader do take place, off-panel, as if designed in a lab to get under my skin. These are the games that set a man’s blood ta boilin’.

  4. this book is just fun.  plain and simple. its the sitcom to Fables’ hourlong drama.  and it enriches the Fables’ world.

    im a little tired of the babe the small blue ox pages though.  they were funny for awhile, now it’s time to ditch em.

  5. Yeah, I have to honestly say, I don’t really find the "Literals" concept intriguing enough to be interested in the "threat" here. It seems to overcomplicate what was previously a simple concept for Fables.

  6. So…what exactly are The Literals? I jumped onto JoF with this issue, and, the whole Literals ordeal is the only thing that set this book back from being 4-stars. I didn’t understand a lot of it, but I was able to grasp most of the characters and such through context, but the Literals were never really explained at all, which makes no sense as, seemingly, the point of this cross-over would be to get more readers onto JoF.

    Overall, it was still a good 3-star book, but unless we get more information about The Literals, I don’t know how well this is going to work as a mini.

    (Also, please note that it’s not that I want to be told what everything is right off the bat, it’s just that I get the feeling that the Literals have already been a focal point in JoF and I find it rather silly, and a giant misstep, to not include more relevant information pertaining to them here).

  7. This was a fine issue but I really don’t feel I got my money’s worth in terms of moving the plot along.

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