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coltrane6808/22/08NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.1
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  1. I think this is going to be my last issue. 

  2. I’m sticking around for the "War Machine: Weapon of S.H.I.E.L.D." arc. Not only does it look great (since its not the same creative team as the current arc), but It’s the last arc of the series and completion never hurt anyone.

  3. @J4K3  Hmmm…this is news to me.  Alright, looks like I’m sticking around then. 

  4. It very much looks like a "Hercules" was planned and the book was going to continue as War Machine with Iron Mans Numbers….

    But I’m happy with a War Machine #1 in a couple of months as Pak and Manco are the team…

  5. I was going to drop this title, but Christos Gage is coming on so I’m gonna wait and see what he has planned.

  6. @cromulent – what is Gage known for?


    Also, mad props on perhaps the best screen name. A perfectly cromulent screen name.

  7. @coltrane68

    My favs were/are Stormwatch PHD, an excellent Union Jack mini a couple years ago, Thunderbolts, and the Wildstorm relaunch. I think he also did a couple issues of Iron Man during World War Hulk, though I don’t remember if they were any good or not.

  8. @Coltrane @cromulent To me, Gage’s most notable book was the ‘Captain America/Iron Man’ Casualties of War one-shot during Civil War.  That’s the issue where they meet in the burnt out mansion to try to work things out, one last time.  It’s flashback heavy — basically a clip show — but shows a real passion and understanding for the characters.  Gage supposedly didn’t have to do any research to write the issue.  He just knows Cap & Iron Man canon that well — and he’s good at displaying it in a way that makes sense of things to newcomers.  I think anybody who read Civil War and didn’t see this one shot really missed out on something.  I think it’s collected in the Iron Man: Civil War trade.

    Gage also did an Iron Man annual which was a ton of fun — Tony doing spy stuff in Madripoor.  And he’s written some Thunderbolts one shots, and is now doing the Thunderbolts/Secret Invasion, which has been good so far, though a little exposition heavy.

    I would love to see Gage with an ongoing Marvel title; I’m assuming it’s his choice to stay mostly with Wildstorm, or I hope it is, b/c if not Marvel is missing out. 

  9. @BetaRayRyan

    Cool, but don’t blame me if the War Machine arc is a waste of money. 🙂

    If the preview material is any indication, however, that shouldn’t be the case.

  10. The past arc was the dumbest story ever.

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