Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 3.6%


J4K308/04/08YesRead Review
mrmister07/25/08NoRead Review
NealAppeal07/24/08YesRead Review
Chris Rohling07/23/08YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.2
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  1. I can’t wait!

  2. Yay for Invincible, yuck for the new costume.  Thank goodness Kirkman has mentioned somewhere that this is a temporary thing like Spidey’s black costume.

  3. I thought Bill Crabtree was gone after last issue.

  4. Invincible is so damn intriguing to me.  I haven’t read any of them and was hoping to pick up the first trades and read my way up, but instead I’m gonna pick this up and try and jump on. Seems like a good jump on point?

  5. @TheKZA they seem to be really billing this as a jumping on point, but you never can tell.

  6. This may be blasphemy, but I don’t mind this costume.

  7. @TheKZA:  Even if you jump on now, I still suggest picking up the trades.  Kirkman did a kickass job.

  8. I’ve been looking for a great jump on point and I’m so glad this one is out

  9. I have no problem with the costume.

    As long as it has the "i" I’m cool with it.

  10. Man, I feel like such an idiot. I looked around the my comic shop for half an hour and still forgot to pick this up. It must be that Jim Lee cover and new costume that made it so that I didn’t spot it and pick up. Gotta go back to the store.

  11. This was getting back to the fun that Invincible has been missing for a little while.  The Kid Omni-Man bit was hirlarious.  This book continues to impress on all levels. 

  12. Cant’ believe my LCS does’nt carry this.  Had to drive across town to get it.

    "Oliv–Omni-B–Kid-Om–JUST STOP!" That’s why this book rules.

  13. yeah this was a great issue (and jumping on point too), but damn i miss the old costume already.

  14. I want the old costume back, colors at least.  The kneepads were always dumb.

    Really curious to see how the next issue pans out based on the preview image in the back.

  15. Oh, where have I been the last 50 issue? That was awesome! Gotta pick up those trades…

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