Comic Books


It begins here! The first-ever IDW event, which affects the Transformers, G.I. Joe, Ghostbusters, and Star Trek universes! This dimensions-spanning storyline begins with a specially priced 40-page story by Abnett & Lanning (The Thanos Imperative) and David Messina (True Blood). Something goes horribly awry in the Zombies vs Robots universe, threatening to tear many of IDW’s biggest realities asunder! Don’t miss the IDW event ten years in the making!

Story by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
Art by David Messina
Cover by Gabriel Rodriguez, J.K. Snyder III

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


comicBOOKchris01/27/11NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.0
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. Zombies vs. Everything! Very nice

  2. I know this going to suck but for some reason I couldn’t help but put it on my pull list.

  3. Curious, but…

  4. It’s Abbet and Lanning with a crazy premise, I’m all for it.

  5. If this wasn’t DnA, I wouldn’t even consider getting this…

  6. DCBS had this for issue, like, 75 cents so I’m getting it. Still completely undecided on all the tie in minis.

  7. I was wondering why that cover looked so good then I noticed it’s by Gabriel “Locke & Key” Rodriguez, the dude is insanely talented. This book looks ridiculous but I love zombie stories so I’ll check y’alls reviews and maybe trade wait this.

  8. I have no idea who these CVO chaps are, but it was fairly entertaining.  A solid 4 stars.

  9. Did anyone else’s comic smell amazing? This is going to sound like a joke, but I actually found myself distracted from the story by how high quality the paper stock was. I loved it.

    Nothing against the story, but it  just wasn’t for me. Semi-misleading marketing combined with me not being crazy for zombies was a bad mix.

  10. Very fun stuff. Excited for the tie-Ins

  11. Only two words to say:

    LOVED. IT.

  12. @Slockhart  Misleading marketing? How? All they said was it was going to be Zombies Vs. Everyone. There was never any mention of Ghostbusters meeting Stark Trek or anything like that…

    I’m going to smell my comic and see what if mine was like that, I read mine as soon as I got home (it was more important than Fantastic Four since Marvel pissed me off by screwing the fans over in favore of a cheap pop) so my nose was still very cold and the sense of smell wasn’t working.

  13. My favorite quote, “A vampire AND a Zombie? That’s UNDEAD SQUARED.”

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