• DAREDEVIL guest-stars!

• HULK vs. urban crime!

STORY BY Mark Waid
ART BY Matteo Scalera
COLORS BY Val Staples
LETTERS BY Chris Eliopoulos
COVER BY Paolo Rivera

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%
Avg Rating: 4.2
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  1. 315 pulls and not a single comment? After being POTW by the podcast with the gorgeous Scalera art?

    For shame.

  2. This miniseries has been great. I loved the art too. I’ll miss Yu’s art, but man Scalera wowed me. Can Mark Waid ever do wrong?

  3. Came for more Waid on DD last issue and was not disappointed. Looking forward to this!

  4. Just picking this up for DD again. Loved last issue. Especially when Hulk walked through the wall in the bar, Lol.

  5. Great issue!

    Scalera really did some wonderful pages in this. Hulk destroying a train, Daredevil shooting at Hulk, Hulk saving Daredevil….I’m saying all of this looked gorgeous. Would love to see more of Scalera on this title if he gets the chance.


  6. Great issue. I might have to check out more of the Hulk.

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