Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


PaulAllor04/23/09NoRead Review
TheNextChampion04/22/09YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.5
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  1. *wimpers*

    Why?…..Why is Marvel doing this to me? I dont want Dark Reign in this…..I dont….

  2. Ah-ha-ha… Dark Avengers…. hmmm.  Well, at least we’ll get to see Hercules and Ares go at it again!  Come to think of it, that’s worth $2.99 in my book.

  3. @TNC because it makes sense story wise. This book has always played off the status quo, post CW, SI and now this

  4. @Roi: This storyline didnt need a DR crossover or have Osborn come in with his shitty Avengers team.

    It’s about Hera and the other Gods trying to kill Hercules. Does Osborn really need to get thrown in on this? No. It feels like Marvel is forcing Pak and Lente to get Hercules and Cho into the new status quo. Maybe that’s why the story felt completely off when Osborn has to get thrown into the mix.

  5. Oh my god!!!

    This was the best issue evah!!! Only because the Dark (shitty) Avengers got their asses kicked in this issue. Thank you Pak and Van Lente for not doing the same old stuff a normal comic would do. Shame the art wasnt up to par this week….

  6. Oh yeah! Now that’s what I’m talking about. You may ask, how in a week that "Whatever Happened…" came out did I pick a book with sub-par art as my POW? Well, let me tell you…

    I was expecting a book where the DA would show up, lay down the law and ultimately leave and nothing would be the same. However, what we got instead was the DA getting their butts handed to them in quite possibly the most humiliating way possible. Having just gotten rid of all my Avengers books, this had a special "Yeah, you were right tone to it." From Hercules completely wrecking Sentry three times, to ignoring Venom attacking his head, to Daken being shown to be useless… well… it just hit every chord. Hell, they make Bullseye look like crap which I thought only the movie could go! (Hey-O!)

    I have never grinned more in reading a comic book, or felt such a cathartic experience before. I don’t hate the DA because they’re bad guys, I hate them because the concept, while good, is being crammed into a lot of the marvel books I read. And in this book, they’re superfluous. The background story to these past two issues could have been told in one issue without the DAs and been just the same. Instead the Dark Reign banner was place on the book and requisite visit from Osborne Clause foisted on the book. Pak and Van Lente did an admiral job of turing that strawman into gold. Brilliant job, it’s a shame the art was so poor. I didn’t think the art was terrible, though, I just didn’t think it was that great either. 

    Essentially, in a book where a character can beat the crap out of Sentry and then say "Aren’t you supposed to be more powerful?" how can you not help but think "Wow, Marvel must really hate Jenkins and Bendis now!" 

  7. @Prax: At least Draken did something…..I just noticed they only showed the new Marvel Boy (which I am not going to bother figure out his real name) was only in one panel in this entire issue. Plus it’s him getting punched in the face by Herc. So there’s useless defined right there. 🙂

    Yeah I mean that’s the whole point with me hating Dark Avengers. It’s not that I hate them cause there villains, it’s because the idea is plain retarded and pointless in the overall aspects. I’m gald Pak and Van Lente may (or may not, I dont know personally) hate this new endavor by Marvel and want to show it with this issue. I mean if the Dark Avengers cant beat simple Hercules and Cho….how on earth can they beat the real Avengers?

  8. Wow… I was really disappointed with this issue.  The art was horrible–or at least, incredibly uneven.  Some panels looked great and others looked like… well, I think a middle school student could draw Hercules’ body hair better, and put more realism into some of those stiff poses.

    Some of Pak & Van Lente’s humor shined through for sure; but, man, a lot of the dialogue was hideous, especially the Bullseye exchange regarding his first Greek kill and the quippy menstration cycle comeback… ugh.

    I was going to tradewait this, but now I think I’ll just pick something else up instead.

  9. Was this the first introduction of the character, Hebe? I’m not too familar with Hercules’s stories.

  10. @Burger: First time I’ve ever seen this mythological character; I mean since from last issue.

    This is as obscure as a character in mythology I’ve ever heard of though:

    Hebe: Goddess of Youth; Daughter of Zeus and Hera (there’s the connection right away to Hera); served nectar and ambrosia to the Gods in Mt. Olympus; she also married Hercules as well.

    So obviously she loves Herc cause they were onced married. Man, Pak and Lente are doing some serious research for this title.

  11. @TNC Van Lente is an expert on well researched comics. Action Philosophers and Comic Book Comics both required the author doing a lot of research.

  12. Van Lente has earned my respect and I will pick up most everything he writes until he begins to write crap.

    I’m even picking up that new She-Hulk mini . . . ahahha

    I liked this issue.

    Gods like Thor and Hercules (demi-god) should be able to handle Sentry.

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