Just in time for FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2010, Image Comics is re-presenting 10 first issues as an introduction to of the publisher’s most acclaimed titles, with each acting as the perfect primer to their ongoing series and collected editions!

Price: $1.00
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%
Avg Rating: 4.0
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  1. Is it wierd that I’m buying this because I have nothing with Liefeld art? 

  2. @NawidA normally I would say yes, but since it’s only a dollar I can forgive you.

  3. @vinh

    I wouldn’t be buying it if it was any more. 

  4. I’m pretty sure its easy to find the original issue from the 90’s for a dollar or even cheaper.

  5. yup.  About a month ago, I got 1-4 for 50 cents a piece.  For the record though, if I hadn’t, I’d probably get this.

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