Price: $0.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 3.2
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  1. OK, who else was scrolling down reading the shipping list, saw "lesbian" and immediately stopped to see what it was? lol

  2. I pulled it (no, not in that way – that’ll have to wait until after I get the book).

  3. With a title like that…how can you knot pull…..er…pick it up…er…..grab it….you know what I mean…why, this title is almost as good as ‘Glamourpuss!’ I see crossover potential already!

  4. This happened to me once.  Luckily I was saved by Teenaged Ample-bosomed Nympomaniac Ninjas.

  5. The title by itself is chock full o’ B-movie goodness. The last time this happened to me it was Loaded Bible: Jesus Vs. Vampires, which I’m still reading and still loving. Plus, for a buck, how can you turn it down?!? I will definitely be writing a review for it and I hope the guys read it on the podcast. Honestly, I just want to hear them say the title and acknowledge that it came out today!

  6. if you’re reading this before you pick up your books, DON’T buy this. it’s really not even worth the $1 price tag. i have to say, i did like the coloring though.

  7. When I saw that at the stands (I never check the shipping list that thoroughly) I instantly knew that I had to buy it. And whaddya say, I think it’s awesome!

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