Comic Books
HULK #21
FALL OF THE HULKS CONCLUSION! Now allied with Banner and Skaar, the Red Hulk takes the battle back to the Intelligencia homebase…the last place anyone expected. With the future of the U.S. at stake, can the most dangerous Hulk triumph? Guest-starring the AVENGERS, the FF and the X-MEN…who are in for a shock ending you won’t see coming!
WRITER: Jeph LoebPENCILS: Ed McGuinness
COLORED BY: In-House - Julio Herrera
LETTERED BY: Reuben Rude
COVER BY: Ed McGuinness
Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%
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$3.99 says I will see the shock ending coming.
I’m enjoying Rulk more than I did when he was first introduced. Jeff Parker is partially responsible, but I’ll have to credit Loeb for engineering this massive Hulks crossover.
So, JimBilly4, before it goes on sale, what do you guess the not-so-shocking-for-you shock ending WILL be?? Just curious…
Can’t a man make a snide comment without being called to the mat for it? I sort of implied that I would be paying $3.99, the cover price, if I could not guess the ending. Which I will be whether I do or not.
I can barely remember the developments so far, so out of issue I am at a bit of a disadvantange, but what the hell: I will open myself up to further ridicule. I am going to guess the Red Hulk tears the ever loving crap out of the Intelligencia, betrays Banner (which Banner completely expected him to do), and one of the Red Hulk identities (He or She) is revealed. I think they are the Ross (General and Betty) family. Probably Life Model Decoys galore.
Called to the mat? No no, just giving you an opportunity to shine! You can never have a big pay off if you don’t take the shot! I commend you for throwing out the theory, and enjoyed the post!
This was great! Can’t wait to see what happens next.
The art was great again, and the action pleasing. Not enough of the core mysteries have been revealed to fully satisfy me, but the ending has me really eager for WWH.
I totally saw the Hulked-Out Heroes coming… I don’t understand them, but I did see it coming. Did not expect Red to get such an ass-whooping. He punched a Watcher in the mouth, for goodness sakes. Sighed a resigned sigh when Deadpool came out of the bag.