Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%
Avg Rating: 3.7
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  1. First issue of this book did enough– JUST enough– to get me to pick issue #2 up.

  2. first issue made me throw up — i’m back for seconds…

  3. Hope Cain is in this one too.

  4. This is my favorite new book I’ve picked up in recent time.

  5. Yes, it was good, but Willingham’s tale within a tale wasn’t quite as engrossing as the first issue’s. I would have thought the whole first story arc would merit guns-a-blazing creative perfection each time. Luckily, the framing sequence bits were better in this issue than last, so maybe it’s all about finding the balance. I’m definitely on board for the first two arcs. By then, we should have a much better idea of where it’s heading. 

    After all, Fables is my favorite comic book of all time, and although its first arc was fun, it doesn’t hold a candle to the genius that’s unspooled since then. Pick this up if you’re a Vertigo fan. It’s PURE Vertigo.

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