Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 2.0%


akamuu11/01/08NoRead Review
stuclach10/30/08NoRead Review
TheNextChampion10/29/08NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.2
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  1. sad that its only a one-shot, but happy Mignola is drawing!!  What fun.  Anyone have any favorite Hellboy stories?  I love Pancakes, but I think everyone does

  2. A Hellboy One shot? With Mignola on story….AND ART!?

    Yes and More Please 🙂

  3. I had just decided to read Hellboy in trade form exclusively, but an issue drawn by Mignola is too good to pass up.

  4. it going to be interesting to see if mignola is rusty, it’s been a while for him. But i have to say the cover is super terrific 

  5. Well Mignola does covers, it’s not like he hasnt drawn ANYTHING since he let others do the work for him. As long as the story is as good as usual then the art (whether rusty or not) wont bother me.

  6. The most unique thing about Mignola’s work is actually how he uses a page to tell a story.  On the best pages the relationships of the panels and how they’re placed on the page adds to the story.  There’s a page in the short story, King Vold, where the action practically animates – bright gold coins tumble diagonally down the page, burn a guy’s hand then turn to rocks.  On either side of those panels are grey wolves on grey backgrounds who seem to be laughing at the trick being played on the victim.  It makes  perfect sense when  you read it panel to panel but tells the story in another way when you consider the page as a single piece of art.

     That’s what I’m hoping for in this issue.  I know he had a lot of fun doing it.  He likened the experience to working on The Corpse, an early story which is the favorite of many. 

  7. @Tad: Your analyzes about Mignola is spot on. But let me also add why his art is good. I think he does a great job with backgrounds. Normally people just focus on details in the characters and the background will be simple or made in photoshop. What Mignola does is the opposite, he makes the backgrounds the reason to look at the panels and not the characters. His Hellboy design is simple and it’s fine that it is simple. When we see Hellboy outside of a church (in this issue) we see a huge red blob and a very detailed church.

    That’s what I love about Mignola and I wish more artists would focus like that as well.

  8. This was great! I haven’t been reading many Hellboy books lately, but this could change that.

  9. I really enjoyed this issue.  Glad I picked it up.

  10. I’ve been on a Hellboy kick lately and this one is good, though not great like "The Crooked Man". I love how Mignola manages to find horror in some of the weirdest places (although an artist desperate for inspiration may not be so far from the fears of a professional artist.) Well worth picking up.  

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