The police are looking for him. Government operatives are hunting him down. And Cole Cash can hear the voices of an alien race in his head.
Escaping New Orleans will require quick thinking and a violent streak straight out of Cole’s Special Operations background – and just like that, his life will be turned upside down, figuratively as well as literally.
Written by NATHAN EDMONDSONArt and cover by CAFU and JASON GORDER
Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%
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grifter78 | 10/13/11 | No | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 3.6
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Was really looking forward to this title, and now that it’s issue 2, i’m having trouble remembering what happened in 1. Not a good sign…
Not much was revealed. It’s fun though. These aliens want to kill him. That is all you need to nkow.
Grifter run around for the whole issue like Steve Martin out of the Jerk trying to avoid cans
It was fun and he dared us to read the second issue.
The alliens know he can see them and they want him out of the picture! Now the authorities think he is a crazed killer and want him down! How will the Grifter save the entire DC universe from an allien invasion? He is going to need some serious help and here is where the fun will begin and I still say this will be one of the biggest characters to grow from this reboot!!
Just sayin’,
Definitely better than the first one, now they just need to improve the artwork.
I don’t get it. I think the art is fine, I like Cafu. It’s the boring story which pushed me away. All I’ve read is the preview of this issue and that was enough for me.
The artwork is consistent, but very generic looking. It might be the coloring, but the art just looks bring to me. It’s better than the first one in that his backstory is more fleshed out, how he can do the things he did in #1 is explained more and there’s more action.
Better than the first issue, which is what I needed to stay onboard.
I like Cafu, I just wish the art was a little looser.
I nearly didn’t pick this up because I thought #1 was pretty terrible but this stepped it up, to my surprise. I was ready to drop this, but now I think I’m on for a couple more. Decent issue.
A solid 4 out of 5; I loved the artwork and the story has me wondering who is going to turn up alien next on Grif. Like I said this will be one of the major characters in the DCU since this reboot. Hopefully the goverment can lend Grif a hand because; you know how helpful they can be. Huh!
Just sayin’,
Good stuff. I’m sold at least for the first arc. 4/5
Writing this good deserves more than just okay art. Can’t put my finger on whether its pencils, inks, colours or some combo of the above, but something is a little off. The writing is faultless though.