Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.4%


Tork07/24/08YesRead Review
Neb07/23/08NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.9
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  1. This has been a very good, yet quite arc for this series. I havent seen much people talk about this….I’ve been enjoying it, it makes Mongul much more revelent then he was before.

  2. I have been enjoying it as well. Tomasi is really doing good things with this book.

  3. Tomasi is writing really well and Gleason is growing really well on this book. To me its one of the Must Reads of teh DC universe


  4. Good conclusion although a little sad in the end.

  5. What a fucking great issue! Seriously, is Johns writing this cause Tomasi is just a fantastic writer!

    Art amazing, again great end to a pretty entertaining arc. God I love the GL stuff now, they’re consistantly the best stuff put out there every month.

    Why the hell wasnt this the POTW on this site?

  6. A fly that’s a Green Lantern.  God I love comics.

  7. Green Lantern Corps has been an exceptional title since the Johns/Gibbons mini-series.

    Tomasi has carried over flawlessly from Gibbons without missing a beat.

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