• Which one hero has the power to bring down all the Lantern Corps?

Story by Geoff Johns
Art by Ardian Syaf & Szymon Kudranski
Cover by Gary Frank

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.7%


Andrew Gaboury04/04/13NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.8
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  1. I’m gonna say Sinestro.
    Excited to see how Johns wraps his run up.

    • Kyle ‘White Lantern’ Rayner.
      I think Ganthet will make an ’emotional comeback’ as mentor to the New Guardians,

    • What about “Black Lantern” Hal Jordan? Wasn’t he supposed to be “the most powerful” or “greatest Black Lantern ” ever? I think it was issue 12, I’ll have to check it out when I get home later.

    • You’re right. He is suppose to be the greatest black lantern. He is the most logical choice. It is, after all, his book. 😉

  2. Best issue of this story arc can’t wait to see what happens with Sinestro and Hal. Part of me really wants to Sinestro to stay as a Green Lantern to train Baz before he comes a yellow lantern again.

  3. I’ve read every issue of the New 52 GL but I have to say I’ve felt a little lost lately. The series seems to have lost its humor and humanity and I find myself very bored with it. Still looks pretty though.

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