Comic Books
From the pages of BRIGHTEST DAY comes Martian Manhunter! His White Lantern vision has led him to the Emerald Archer’s mystical forest. Is he there to save it – or destroy it? Can Oliver stop his former ally?
Variant cover by PHILIP TAN
Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%
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Passed on following this when it started, but would say it is a tribute to Brightest Day that I’m now interested in this whole ‘White Lantern Tree’ thing going on, curious as to the nature of it, no pun intended.
Another reason is that J.T. Krul gets a bad rap as a writer – does anyone out there think this is any good story/writing wise? The art really wasn’t good enuf for me to jump on before, and liked Green Arrow more as sorta an urban enforcer, taking on villains with a ruthlessness that seems almost inherent in archers. Whatver happened to the concept of Ollie becoming more of a killer or crossing the line in his methodology after Cry for Justice? Guess they decided not to really run with that.
I’m pretty new to comics and DC continuity, so this is one of my first exposures to Green Arrow. #1 issue was okay as it was setting things up. #2 was my favorite so far with a Hal Jordan appearance; most of #2 was one big action scene with a cliffhanging ending. #3 was a great issue all around.
Krul’s words are great, as is the art. Surprised it’s not pulled more, to be honest.
I’ve read all three issues so far, and I’d say it’s above average but it isn’t blowing me away. Of course, your mileage may vary.
This series has been okay and going very slowly. I’m tired of the guests of the month, let’s get some plot moving forward! I’ll actually be glad when the Brightest Day tie-in ends as it seems to be dragging things, don’t know if I’ll stick around after the first arc.
It’s still on my pull list, but I’m not completely sold. I liked Krul’s Blackest Night Titans, but his work with Oliver and Roy has been iffy at best. The new artist is appropriate for Green Arrow, and I think he’ll only get better. The covers are beautiful.
I’ve like Green Arrow since the 70s, but he really hasn’t been handled well since his resurrection.
This is the best Green Arrow has been in a couple years