Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


akamuu12/23/09NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.6
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  1. The thread to chew #6 inspired me. I will now point out gratuitous boobage on covers. Every time I point out gratuitous boobage on a cover, take a shot.

  2. Sorry, I meant chew #7. Oh and, "gartuiotus boobage".

  3. That is, gratuitous.


  4. They have to get this book to appeal to male readers some how. At the moment I only buy this for my girlfriend, who loves Harley Quinn, I’ve given up reading it.

    Catwoman’s cleveage might inspire other readers to pick it up, and be disappointed once they read it and find out it is not what they were hoping for.

  5. @Zeppo; Does a book starring female charcters have to be cheesecake to appeal to male readers? Have comic book fans sunk that far? And how does that explain the popularity of DETECTIVE COMICS and BIRDS OF PREY and the like?

  6. Hey Conor, hace you guys dicussed this on a show yet? I mean really discuss it. Not just in passing. I find it is a pertinent issue in our hobby.

    From what I can tell you and I seem to be of the same opinion on this so I’m very much curious to hear your views expounded on the show.

    I love boobs. A lot. But but you know, there’s boobs, and then there’s boobs and then there’s a time and a place.


  7. I hate that people come down on this book for being too cheesecake-y, when this is NOTHING. If you want cheesecake, then go pick up any issue of Shojo Beat, and you will see that cheesecake and this book have nothing in common.

  8. Hmm you got a point there Conor. On the otherhand, the art on Detective Comics is like a Drug Trip so that could explain why a certain demographic loves it. Take that where you’d like to people 😉  Birds of Prey I don’t know, but I read it because of my exposure to the short lived WB series. Ironically though I can’t recall what the actor’s looked like now because everytime I try I imagine the DC mainstream version of the characters.

    @JumpingJupiter: Lol, you created a new word: "hace".
    @comicBOOKchris: LMFAO! IT’S SO TRUE! It’s like EVERYTIME I try to pick up an action manga like say "Air Gear" for example I get at least one splash page of a girl doing what Josh would probably consider "spreading her ass cheeks". Seriously… compared to that though, cheesecake shown in western comics does not bother me one bit. It’s like cheesecake in movies for most people. It just doesn’t phase them, for the most part.

    Overall though, this issue was pretty boobish but not over the top like in Batman: Widening the Gyre, you know what scene I’m talking about ;| now that was over the top, surprisingly I laughed on the bus.

  9. This was by far the best issue yet. But this book still seems aimless and I don’t know if it should exist. I kinda wish Dini would leave so I could drop it.

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