Her name is Chameleon, and she is the Joe’s newest recruit in COBRA II. Now we see the rest of her story-her recruitment, her first mission, and her mysterious connection to… well, you only THINK you know who we’re talking about, as Mike Costa and Antonio Fuso attempt to outdo their previous, critically celebrated Special.

This extra-length Special features an all-new G.I. Joe prose story from the upcoming G.I. Joe: The Cobra War prose anthology!

Writer: Mike Costa
Art & Cover: Antonio Fuso

Price: $4.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.3%
Avg Rating: 4.4
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  1. Can’t wait.

  2. @AmirCat: Are you saying it’s a "Don’t miss?"

  3. @AmirCat – You and me both.

  4. oh yeh

  5. Lord I’m so behind on this series. Can’t wait to get caught up though

  6. ooooooh, GI Joe Prose! I should get that and take it to my contemporary literature class!

  7. Yeah, this one took me a while. A lot of prose!

  8. Goddammit! My store didn’t get this!

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