The Tankies’ Sergeant Stiles returns, recently promoted and angrier than ever. He’s got a new crew and a new tank, a Sherman Firefly with a high-velocity gun capable of taking out even the fearsome German Tiger. Too bad the enemy have a new tank of their own, the mighty King Tiger, with twice the armour and firepower of the original. As Stiles and his men join the Allied advance into the Nazi homeland, they soon realise that every inch of ground will be bitterly contested by the foe… and that there are worse horrors than Tigers lurking in the gloom of the last German winter.

Writer: Garth Ennis
Penciller/Inker: Carlos Ezquerra
Covers: Garry Leach

Price: $3.50
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


WilliamKScurryJr03/17/10NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.3
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  1. this time is personal!!


    or not, what do i care

  2. …and the tank was called serenity

  3. Hope this one redeems the first tankies mini.

  4. @skeets- Yeah, Tankies kinda stands out in the Battlefiends series for the wrong reasons, where the rest of the stories have been stellar, Tankies kinda sucked balls. Like you said, hopefully this seies is better.

  5. i’m debating trade waiting this one because the first tankies was tough for me to get through.

  6. I watched Band of Brothers last week-end and I just finshed reading the first 3 trades, so I’m into this. I wanna read more Stiles and Infantry stories.

  7. I too didn’t dig the first Tankies mini.  Gonna wait on this.

  8. Anyone who is waiting — get this issue! It’s solid. Unlike Tankies, it’s not trying to be a wacky comedy & it’s clear who all the characters are & what’s going on at all times. And just like most of the Battlefields’ series, the story is AWESOME.

    5/5 from me.

  9. Garth Ennis love writing this book and it shows. Love the letter column. Hope this series go on forever.

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