Price: $19.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 5.6
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  1. I absolutely LOVE the free weekly. The question is, am I a freeloading prick if I don’t buy this?

    For those of you who read the weekly and got the other two trades, how does it feel in one sitting as opposed to the weekly 6 pages?

  2. There are two things that change drastically from the free online version. One is the art, there’s a lot of difference between the small images posted online and the paper version just in terms of size.

    The other is basically the problem with Ellis in all of his other books. It’s very decompressed and it’s not super satisfiying in the free weekly. The large chunk in the trades is much meatier thing.

    Worth it. Aside from Anna Mercury it’s the best thing Ellis is doing right now.

  3. What is Anna Mercury all about? I can picture the tight suit and the GIANT red hair, but I don’t know the story.

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