Comic Books


Namor, Doctor Strange, She-Hulk & The Silver Surfer giant have battled barbarian hordes, giant monsters, and demonically-possessed sea creatures. They’ve faced Tyrak the Terrible, Aradnea the Sorceress, and the hideously-mutated Tiger Shark. But their greatest threat still awaits—the Worthy who has already beaten the Sub-Mariner and single-handedly ravaged New Atlantis. Would-be conqueror Attuma has become Nerkkod, Breaker of Oceans, and he intends to drown the entire world in a wave of fear! Even if Namor’s courage and resolve return to him, he’s no match for the fury of the Serpent’s chosen!

Story by Cullen Bunn
Art by Lee Garbett, David Meikis, John Lucas & Rick Magyar
Colors by John Rauch
Letters by Joe Caramagna
Cover by Lee Garbett, David Meikis & John Rauch

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 3.3
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  1. Second issue of this series was terrible. Should have been a three issue series. If this isn’t pulled for me, I’m not buying it and I don’t think I pulled it this month.

  2. I had fun with this. I’m just hoping the ending will be decent and it will somehow tie into the new Defenders series starting later with some of this group.

  3. As long as I get to see Namor punch Attuma in the face I’ll be happy with this. It has felt like a fairly standard Defenders story so far, nothing spectacular, but I have been happy to get my Dr. Strange fix.

  4. Issue 3 was so bad, I’m doing the unthinkable, and after buying issues #1-3, am not getting #4. That slate of artists does not inspire confidence either.

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