• One day a year, The Thing reverts to his human form. This year… Ben Grimm is going to go home again — as Ben Grimm!

• What was Yancy Street REALLY like back in the day? And how long until the ever-loving’ THING makes his appearance?

• And meanwhile, the tables get turned in Franklin and Val’s relationship… and when these two siblings have a rivalry, all bets are off.

Story by Matt Fraction
Art by Mark Bagley, Mark Farmer, & Joe Rubinstein
Colors by Paul Mounts
Letters by Clayton Cowles
Cover by Mark Bagley, Mark Farmer, & Paul Mounts

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%


theWAC105/23/13NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.8
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  1. JML ( says:

    This is going to send intensely nitpicky, but in Hickman’s run, didn’t he set it up that Ben would become human for a WEEK a year, not a day?

  2. Getting the first dozen of these by subscription.

    And then no more forever…

  3. Any issue that is Ben-centric will be one of my favorites!

  4. This was a great issue. And again, since a very long time I really thought Bagley’s art was brilliant. especially in the scene in the rain.

    • I agree about Bagley’s art, there were two separate inkers, and I personally liked the look of the Yancy street scenes more than previous issues.

    • With the right inker, his art can look quite nice. With a bad inker, like he had for most of his DC run, his art looks like a child’s cartoonish scribbles.

    • I thought his art looked better in this issue too. It reminded me of Alan Davis.

  5. Strong issue all around.

  6. I Loved Hickman’s Run and FF is really great but I really can’t get behind this series, and I feel like I’ll give this one more issues before I drop it.

    • I agree with you. I have read Fantastic Four since Byrne’s run and this is the 1st time I have not enjoyed a Fantastic Four run. I dropped the book as of this issue, which was a very hard choice for me. But there’s just something missing from Fraction’s run so far. I have not really enjoyed it at all.

  7. The solicitation for this issue had me less than excited. Glad that whomever wrote the solicitation doesn’t write the book; it really was fantastic…(yeah I know what I did there) Bagley and Fraction are doing great work.

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