Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%
Avg Rating: 3.4
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. Wait Geoff Johns with Scott Kolins art? How is this not getting hyped out of its mind?

  2. I bet it’s Johns on plots and that Kolins is scripting.

  3. Kolins must love him some Grundy, if hes doing this and a 7-issue miniseries about him. This’ll be fun to see Kolins writing & drawing.

  4. But I thought this was a one-shot?

  5. @Conor golly I hope not. 

  6. @wellthatsalright: This is a one-shot, but in March Kolins is writing/drawing a 7-ish mini about Grundy. http://dccomics.com/dcu/comics/?cm=11413


  7. @wellthatsalright I believe this is a one shot. But later there will a full blown mini series with Kolins writing it by himself.


    Is kollins a good writer? 

  8. Yeah, I was about to ask if Kolins has done any writing before and if it was pretty good stuff.  Tempted to get this just for his art, but not sure yet.

  9. @drakedangerrz- kolins has co-written a few comics: BPRD: Night Train(with Geoff Johns), an issue of Marvel presnts, and an issue of Prime. I didn’t read any of those so i can’t say if they are good.


  10. Rogue’s Revenge sold me on Scott Kolins. I’m in.

  11. The only thing that worries me is that Johns name is second in the writing credits, which could mean he had not much to do with the story, but is helping out a mate by adding his name to the title …

    Anyway, it’s Johns & Kolins, so I’ll be buying it.

  12. Solomon Grundys one of my favorite villains. Hope its more of the classic Frankensteins monster-esque Grundy and less of the Meltzer Vito Corleone-esque Grundy. Judging from the cover it looks classic Grundy.

  13. I’m excited for this because the only knowledge I have of Solomon Grundy is from the Super Friends cartoon.

  14. Same guy who wrote Rogue’s revenge? Sweet!

  15. Solomon Grundy is the Bob Dole of super villians

  16. @Aquaman: Does that mean that we’ll see Viagra commercials starring Solomon Grundy. 🙂

  17. Just looked at the preview on CBR, didn’t really hook me.  Have to check out the whole thing in the store first

  18. did anyone get this?  my shop didn’t receive it…

  19. I got it and I loved it. I can’t wait for the Grundy mini now. Geoff Johns is tying every damn thing to Blackest Night and I’m enjoying the hell out of it. A green lantern event that has a place in it for Grundy and crazy Starman. I’m way stoked.

    Also, anyone else think that David Fincher should make THE CURIOUS CASE OF SOLOMOn GRUNDY? Because I think he should.

  20. @insight- My shop didn’t get it either.

  21. Why with such a high score has no one chosen this book to be their POW. I want to pick this up, but this small fact discourages me.

  22. @Ruo21 I think this was a great book, but this was basically a prologue to the Grundy mini and the part that Grundy will play in Blackest Night. It was fun and it made me excited for things to come, but there were a couple of other books I enjoyed just as much as this, and also one that blew me the hell away.

    Looking at your pull list, if I were to place this amoung books that we both picked up, I’d say not as good as walking dead, and around the level of War of Kings and Iron Man (I’d say better, but I have a soft spot for Grundy and Kollins). So I’d say if you are willing to spend another three bucks on something at that level, go for it.

  23. @insight: My shop didn’t get this and a couple of others.

  24. alot better than i thought it would be. I may pick up the series

  25. what is a Grundy? Should I buy this? I was thinkin I should cuz all these Faces of Evil one shots are supposed to be about the most important villians in the DC Universe for 2009, and I wanna be able to know what is going on all year.

  26. @robbydzwonar Grundy is kind of a swamp zombie type thing. I think he’s pretty cool. You should check him out on wikipedia:


    I think the Faces of Evil thing is basically a cash grab, with only alittle importantce to the future of the DCU. Though, of course, that doesn’t mean that the one shots will be bad.

  27. I didnt quite understand this.  I dont know much about Grundy, and I am just more confused now.  I might just have to wait for the mini to come out.  All in all it was an interesting read though.

  28. Despite the "Zombie White Hulk" feel to Grundy himself, I enjoyed this one quite a bit. I’ll give the series a shot.

  29. I like Grundy alot, but this book was sucked.  It might end up being a good lead in to a Grundy mini, but as an issue alone it is not good.  I’m really surprised as this is the first Geoff Johns title I haven’t liked in quite a while. 2/5

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