Comic Books


“The Championship” concludes! As honorable judge Flycatcher sits in judgment of star baseball player Goblin, he has a tough choice – if he finds Goblin guilty, the penalty is death. Heavy is the head that wears the crown! Featuring guest-artist David Lapham (YOUNG LIARS, SILVERFISH).

Written by Bill Willingham
Art by David Lapham
Cover by Joao Ruas

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%
Avg Rating: 4.0
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  1. I stopped reading this after the war with the Adversary ended with Flycatcher and Haven.  None of the issues following it seemed to live up to what came before.  Has this been any better recently?

  2. I thought the last Witches arc was spectacular.  As good if not better than many in the Empire days.

  3. I agree that the war was ultimately a letdown, but I like the new status quo and the direction things seem to be headed.

  4. I agree that the recent arc was excellent.

  5. Love love love this book

  6. I never thought this book lost its awesomeness (okay except for that TERRIBLE crossover event). it slowed down a little until the last arc but I have never stopped loving this book.

  7. I’ve loved this since march of the wooden soldiers. Last issue was amazing…and I don’t even like baseball!

  8. I was really disappointed with last issue after the previous arc which I thought was Fables close to it’s best.  How long has it been since the last issue anyway?  Seems like months.

  9. The last issue came out January 20th, so it has been a while.

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