Comic Books


The Fantastic Four, Storm, Deadpool and the Panthers continue to hammer at Doctor Doom, attacking his worldwide network, destroying his factories, and trying to force him to face them on the field of battle. But you have to be careful what you wish for, because when Doom wages total war, he doesn’t leave any ammunition behind.

WRITER: Jonathan Maberry
PENCILS: Scot Eaton
COVER BY: John Romita JR.

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 3.7
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  1. Wow…doesn’t look like many people stayed on this one.  Where is everyone else getting their Storm fix?!

  2. @misterckent I would assume in the warm confines of our memories. Also, there are two Warren Ellis X-men series with her in them. With two series you might be able to see her every other month.

    I am in until the end, but the arrival of Deadpool was not welcome.

  3. @JimBilly4  "With two series you might be able to see her every month"  HA!  Until this week regular Aston. Xmen came out last in DECEMBER.  

    I was really into this (getting my Storm fix)  to begin with, but I just want it to be over now  I think this should have been 4 issues, 5 max.  

  4. This series has been excellent. Everyone else is missing out. The late shipping kinda sucks, though.

  5. Number of issues depends on the story. The story took a left turn for me when it left Wakanda, so I am not totally certain how many issues it "really" needs. I feel that a better story would have been more Wakanda-centric and therefore probably shorter and less Deadpooly.

    @zattaric You misquote me. I said might be able to see her "every OTHER month". I was taking a subtle dig at Mr. Ellis. Probably too subtle.

  6. @ JimBilly4  I stand corrected.  Apologies. 

  7. I think this is probably the best use of a Deadpool I’ve seen in months. This book is one of the best of the week and certainly best mini Marvel’s put out in a while.


  8. @Diabhol  I definitely like how Deadpool is being employed for the "chaos factor"  

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