Comic Books

DIAL H #10

• This issue marks a turning point in Roxy and Nelson’s quest for knowledge and delves into the mysteries of the H Dials.

• The information contained in the issue will expand your knowledge of the known universe!

Story by China Mieville
Art by Alberto Ponticelli & Dan Green
Cover by Brian Bolland

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.6%


harpier03/07/13NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.0
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  1. I really hope this series sticks around. It’s a perfect blend of bizarre and interesting. I wanted to like Morrison’s Doom Patrol, but this balances out the crazy pretty well!

  2. This current story line has been superb. Cannot wait for this issue.

  3. Ponticelli really needs to start growing on me….I want to like him but he’s really sketchy for me.

  4. I’m going to give this a POTW nod and here’s why:

    I love what China Mieville is doing here and it is so unfair how DC has dropped coverage of this series. The romance between the oddest pair in the DCU feels natural and the ending of this issue was awesome for all the right reasons. That and the continuing evolution of the Dial and its history is so intriguing to me.

    I’m not going to give it a perfect rating though, despite the POTW nod, because Ponticelli’s art still hasn’t grabbed me yet. This is the best looking issue since he took over but his pencils (along with Dan Green’s inks) still are ‘fugly’ in a lot of places. When it’s just talking heads they don’t look too bad. But when the action heats up it can be hard to follow and ugly to look at. The superhero designs though are still top notch no matter who is drawing this.

    4.5/5 (POTW)

  5. This is the best book published at DC right now. Hands down

  6. This book is vastly underrated. Not surprised at the quality with Mieville writing it.

  7. One of the best books from DC but it seems nobody is reading it. I’d actually be ok with a one issue crossover with Superman or something. It’d boost sales and seeing Supes or another of the top heroes in such a weird story could be awesome.

  8. Damn! this issue was so good. The slow reveal of the history and following of the Dials is really captivating. And I have actually grown to love the art. Theres this one panel in this issue where its just a portrait of Nelson and he looks so gross and disgusting and love that he’s the HERO of this book. This is a Vertigo book pasted onto DC and I hope to God that it lasts at least 20 issues because honestly its probably the only book I pull that I read twice.

  9. Only thing that bugged me about this issue was a typo: “He just keep doing where I told him.”

    Either “doing WHAT I told him” or “GOING where I told him” would have made a lot more sense…

    That didn’t affect how awesome the story is though!

    Having no experience with the legacy Dial series, withou spoilers, is what is happening now something that happened in the previous series?

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