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Price: $4.99
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relliy liked the batman annual
The Batman annual was a huge letdown for me, but I am already committed to buying this b/c my shop makes me preorder everything. I miss my $4.99 already.
I enjoyed the main story in the Batman annual. I’m really only buying this to see if I want to get the Azrael series or not. I really liked the BftC mini, and the bits with Azrael were pretty good. This will be the determining factor.
I love love LOVE that Batwoman isn’t mentioned in the solicit… can’t stand the character for some reason.
I’m guessing that this is a main story by Nicieza and a Question backup by Rucka? Sort of annoyed I’m going to have to spent $4.99 on this (b/c I subscribe to ‘Tec & b/c I want to read the Question story) when i didn’t even read the first part.
I’m guessing it’s Nicieza continuing the story from Batman Annual and just having The Question meet up with them at some point. If you look at the solicit, Rucka isn’t even listed. There might be some filler in the back that he could have something to do with, but Batmannual (see what I did there) didn’t really have much from what I remember.
I’m looking forward to this. I was surprised how much i enjoyed the Batman annual.
@Slockhart Rucka was listed in an earlier solicit that didn’t mention Nicieza at all. Plus, it’s a $5 book, which suggests there’s some backup material. As it stands, I’m assuming both solicits are wrong in some way.
Ah. Also, I forgot that there was a backup story with Kelley Jones on art spreading through both annuals since I gave up on reading it the first time.
OH SNAP! Art and writing team change, noy good for a well writen and bueatifully illustrated (BEST ON STANDS NOW) book. I say again NOY GOOD. Stay away fanboys. Batman books in trouble other then Morrison’s.
This was crap (except for the Nguyen piece). Damien looked like Yu Yu Hakusho (thanks for the proper spelling, Google search bar).
There’s initially nothing really good to say on my part in this issue with the exception of the back up story with the Kelley Jones art. Boy that was fantastic, and by that I mean if you’re into Kelley Jones drawing Bat titles. I just wish he made "looker" wear a blue suit instead of a dress it would have made the inking look better.
@HailScott: If at all possible, I think it’s time you look for a shop that doesn’t make you preorder. I can’t stand that. I don’t buy what I can’t have in my hands/possession, it’s just not good business.
I don’t know, I rather enjoyed this. The art was a big dip from Califiore, but it was rather disappointing. I liked the Batman annual quite a bit, actually. Not sure what happened to this half of the issue.
@kysmoke This was an annual, not a regular issue of the series. Detective Comics will still retain it’s regular creative team, Calm down.