Comic Books


The Knights are running out of options as they try to protect the Holy Grail!

Plus, the fate of the Black Diamond is revealed!

Written by Robert Venditti
Art by Chad Hardin & Wayne Faucher
Cover by Howard Porter

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
Avg Rating: 3.5
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  1. Really excited/not excited for this. Wish Bernard Chang had finished out the series, enjoyed his art quite a bit!

  2. Ever since issue one, this has been one of my favorite books out there. Even after Cornell left, Venditti was able to keep things going just as strongly. I’ll definitely miss picking this up every month . . .

    • Yeah, I was worried there would be a drop-off, but there wasn’t. And then it got cancelled. But at least we got 24 issues of a pretty damn cool comic with a nice cast of characters.

    • There was a definite drop-off, but Vendetti was mostly doing an imitation. Still the book was enjoyable throughout, it is sad that anything halfway interesting will be punished by consumers. I bet if it was called Justice League Demons…


    • Or Justice League’s Demon? (You know, even that title sounds better than Justice League Dark).

      I give credit to DC for letting this run two years without dropping the ax — at least in retrospect we’ll have a respectable length series. Still it is a shame that Cornell was not allowed to stay longer here and on Stormwatch — he clearly had long-term plans for the titles. (I thought that each issue of his Stormwatch improved upon the one before),.

      Here’s hoping we get a satisfying ending.

  3. Well, that wasn’t quite the dynamite send off I was hoping for, but, over all it was good. The art was probably the weakest spot in my mind . . .

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