Comic Books
• How can things get worse for Jason Blood, the man bonded for eternity to the Demon Etrigan? Let’s start with decades of brutal torture…
• Vandal Savage is on the scene to rescue Blood, which may not be a good thing.
• And where is Madame Xanadu?
Art by Bernard Chang
Colors by Marcelo Maiolo
Letters by Jared K. Fletcher
Cover by Bernard Chang
Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%
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I like the idea of a “fast forward.” Can’t wait to see how everyone fits together. Maybe a new character or two?
Last issue was the first I’ve read of this series. It was surprisingly great. Can’t wait for this.
Yeah, it really was great. I was worried, since I had been reading it from the start, but it turns out there was no reason to be. This is totally my favorite “sleeper” book from the new 52.
The last arc went two issues too long, but this book still has great potential. A whole new world to explore, ripe with possibilities, and characters to be developed. I was surprised that I enjoyed the last issue since I have little interest in vampires, and think the theme should go away for a while, but it was interesting. More people should be reading this.
This is a thoroughly enjoyable book. I thought both the original writer and artist were fantastic and the new writer and artist are just as brilliant. I think Bernard Chang found a great showcase for his talent. I find it interesting that Stormwatch is featured in three separate DC books. Might be the only concept from Wildstorm that sticks around.