Comic Books

DEMO VOL 2 #1 (OF 6)

“A series of compelling but achingly brief short stories that each introduce extraordinary characters.” – THE ONION on DEMO VOL. 1

The pioneering indie masterwork returns! And here’s the first of 6 brand-new, single-issue, done-in-one stories from Brian Wood (DMZ, NORTHLANDERS) and Becky Cloonan (AMERICAN VIRGIN, Buffy the Vampire Slayer), each one just as powerful and emotionally charged as the original run. In “The Waking Life of Angels,” a woman is haunted by a recurring premonition; one of a person plummeting from a great height. Seriously sleep-deprived and with only fragments of images for clues, she abandons her life to travel halfway around the world in hopes of finding this person before her fateful accident occurs.

Written by Brian Wood
Art and cover by Becky Cloonan

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.1%


akamuu02/02/10NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.1
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  1. So excited.

    Does anyone know if it’s going to be in color or black and white?

  2. YES! Loved the trade of the first series. I pretty much read anything by Brian Wood.

  3. never read DEMO but i’m down for this. looks awesome

  4. DEMO!

  5. The first trade felt a little too "emo" for me, but as Northlanders is one of the best books out there, I have to pick this up to support Wood. Hopefully, a mopey teen will be killed by a viking.

  6. @Alexferrer: It’s black and white.

  7. @HailScott – there’s not "emo" in "demo"… no, wait… :/

  8. Crap.  The first trade keeps slipping into that twilight zone of books I forget that I want really really badly.  Meant to read it before this came out.

  9. @Slockhart: It doesn’t really matter that you haven’t read the first one: It’s not a continuous story. DEMO is an anthology.

  10. Sooooo excited!

  11. I am so excited.  For this.  I wish Becky Cloonan was doing a monthly Vertigo book again.  I liked American Virgin a lot.

  12. @Conor that’s good to know.  Nevertheless, I’m getting this at the library.

  13. To specify: I’m getting the first trade at the library

  14. This was great. Brian Wood is one of the best in the biz and Cloonan has such range. The art in this particular issue reminded me of Jamie McKelvie meets Bryan Lee O’Mally. I especially loved how the panel borders became twisted the more frantic the character became. Pick of the Week for me.

  15. Becky Cloonan’s art is at its best. I love her.

  16. I’ve never read Demo before. Picked this up on a whim. I loved it. Becky Cloonan’s art was fantastic. I haven’t had a random book selection pay off like this in awhile.

  17. I’m not sure if I liked this or not. I guess it was good and I liked the idea behind it but half way through I knew what was going to happen so that kind of spoiled it for me.

  18. I thought this was one of the weakest Demo stories. Not much to like here except for some of the art. Still going to keep reading this because I love Wood.

  19. I’m not about to stop reading it as I loved Demo Vol 1, but to me this issue was a little weak.  I thought the ending was telegraphed from the moment that the main character got on the plane, and it was all over too quick.  It kind of had the requisite twist ending, but there wasn’t nearly enough time to get to know and like the main character.  I didn’t get emotionally invested in the same way I did with most of vol 1.  Still, with stand alone stories like this the nice thing is there’s always next month to try again…

  20. I loved the art but I found the ending predictable.  I’m stilling going to pick it up next month though because I know what Wood is capable of.  

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