A Marvel Masterpiece from deep inside the treasure vaults can now be told!

The original team of Doctor Strange, The Hulk, Silver Surfer and Namor are together again for a hidden adventure! But why was this tale lost? What happens in other dimensions stays in other dimensions, so what unspeakable secrets of the The Defenders are to be revealed? Find out at last in these pages with the illustrious words of Kurt Busiek (THE DEFENDERS, MARVELS) and the incomparable artwork of artist Mark Bagley (ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN)!

Story by Kurt Busiek & Fabian Nicieza
Art by Mark Bagley & Andrew Hennessy
Colors by Chris Sotomayor
Letters by Chris Eliopoulos
Cover by Mark Bagley

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


  1. Ooo..  Didn’t know this was coming.  I loved the Dr. Strange Vault story.

  2. Busiek & Bagely!  The creators of the original Thunderbolts!  Whoot!  Looks awsome…

  3. Damn! Why doesn’t Marvel bring back this team?! If they can explain Wolverine on umpteen number of teams, they can explain Doc, Namor and Hulk on a team (though I can’t see the Surfer being a full-time member of any team).

  4. Hulk + Namor + Strange = Awesomeness.  Always has. 

  5. My store didn’t get this… How was it?

  6. OMIGOD, this was so awesome.  I don’t want to spoil it to much, but it is an experience to read, and when you then find out the details about how this came out of the vault, you will find that some of the pages of this were CLASSIC!  Seriously, there is a big spoiler about this book I don’t want to give away, but believe me when I say you’ll wholeheartedly enjoy the book, even more so when you know the trick.


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