Comic Books



Story by Jeff Parker
Art by Kev Walker & Terry Pallot
Colors by Frank Martin
Cover by Mike Deodato, Rain Beredo, & John Tyler Christopher

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.8%


MattD06/21/12YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.3
Users who pulled this comic:


  1. Goddamn that’s a great cover

  2. May pick this up since Kev Walker is drawing it, but seems like he’s only back for this issue?! Still not loving the name change or the new crappy characters who came on board last issue.

    • This book is a maybe for me, but since I loved the last issue Kev Walker did, I guess it’s upgraded to a probably.

    • Walker is still rotating with Shalvey. The ‘lost’ Thunderbolts are drawn by Walker, the ‘current’ Thunderbolts by Shalvey.

  3. I’m a die-hard T-bolts fan (and by that, I mean the Busiek and Nicieza runs, not the new stuff) but I found that Parker carries the spirit of the book quite well, so I’m for sure getting this (despite the unfortunate name change). I just hope they switch the focus back to the “lost in time” T-bolts storyline, which the cover suggests that they might.

  4. I loved this issue. There are a couple of cool surprises in it.

    I can safely say this is the time travel T-bolts this issue. Not a spoiler since Moonstone is on the cover.

  5. amazing issue this and a vs x at the top of my pow so far

  6. Great issue! It was my pick of the week.

  7. Totally missed this when making my pulls, but soooooooo glad I grabbed it online. Amazing.

  8. As much as I enjoyed DD, Punisher, AvX and yes even Saga, this was my POTW.

  9. Holy crap, what a great issue! I’m not familiar with this book really at all, just started picking it up last issue because I thought it’d be a good jumping on point… Damn! What a great read! Every character is interesting, the story was intriguing, the dialogue worked, and the art. Beautiful! Now it looks like I’ll be diving into the history of this book and getting everything I can. POTW!

  10. Avatar photo tripleneck (@tripleneck) says:

    Hey, the time travelling T-Bolts are back in their book! And so am I… I bought this after I skipped the first Dark Avengers and I don’t feel like I missed a thing. I looked at #175 and did not want to read about those characters. Maybe the two groups will fight and then the newbies can just go away? I DO want to see what happens when the time travellers fight their big baddie next issue, but I do NOT care about Hulk’s son or the eight legged spider guy.

  11. Parker, Walker & Shalvey are absolutely delivering on Thunderbolts.

    Don’t let the hype or the name change fool you, Parker will weave all of those storylines together in fun and interesting ways.

    This is a book worth collecting for hundreds of issues with no breaks.

    A consistently-good, often-great mid-tier title featuring deeper characterizations of existing or updated B-, C-, & D-listers?

    Yes. Yes I do like the concept of supervillains redeemed and anti-heroes on the brink in a science-fantasy milieu.

    Sign me up for the next hundred issues please. Monthly.

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