Comic Books


SIEGE BLOCKBUSTER TIE-IN!! In the middle of SIEGE, Ms. Marvel and Hawkeye take center stage in a sick twisted battle, and launch their own agenda, revealing their true relationship, and their personal plans for Norman Osborn.

WRITER: Brian Michael Bendis
PENCILS: Mike Deodato
COLORED BY: Amanda L. Mathis
LETTERED BY: Rich Ginter
COVER BY: Mike Deodato

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


akamuu03/17/10NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.9
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  1. I can’t wait for this!!  Deodato is one of the best working artists today.

  2. is this one going to be "out of sync" with the Siege event like the previous Dark avenger issues? that "in the middle of siege" seems misleading

  3. I’m guessing the first half takes place to tie up the loose ends and the second half skips to the Seige battle

  4. Bullseye Vs. Lindy in the ultimate showdown!!!

  5. sounds good

  6. When do we get Clint Barton punching this Hawkeye right in the face (or better yet, put an arrow right in his Bullseye)? My guess is Seige #4, but it could happen over here if the main title can’t make room for it, as I assume Spider-man, Cap, and Iron Man all need room to punch Osborn in the face over there.

  7. I’ve loved the last two issues of this. Makes me almost wish it wasn’t ending

  8. that really is an epic cover.  luckily, there’s a good chance the inside will be as good

  9. @kickass: agreed! I will read just about anything Deodato is drawing.

    Sad to see this book end but looking forward to some of the new avengers titles. 

  10. Sounds interesting.

  11. How many more issues until this ends? I personally have really enjoyed it.  

  12. @mrwrong I believe next issue is the last

  13. I’m also surprisingly sad to see this go.  At least Moonstone will still be around in Thunderbolts.

  14. i really enjoyed the payout on this.  the void as the secret weapon may have been a "safe" pick but better than some new thing thrown into the mix at the last second

  15. Not bad.  A few months late, imo, but not bad.

  16. I don’t always like Deodato’s art, but in this issue his style grabbed this story and totally owned it from the first page to the final panel. I couldn’t fairly call it a “fun” read but it was entertaining and well worth my time! The series has been heading out on a high note.

  17. Grreat issue, just a couple of things…

    1. So in seige he’s like a spider thing, and in this issue he’s a tentacle monster thing? 

    2. And also Ares already knows what the sentry is in this issue, yet in seige #2 he addressed Bob like he was completely unaware of what Bob can turn into.

  18. i felt this was one of deodato’s weakest issues on this book.

  19. I enjoyed it, but Ms. Marvel did not take center stage.  And she’s one of my favorite characters in the Marvel U right now.  So that was sad.

  20. This was surprisingly good as far as dialogue goes.

    Anyone else see the solicitation for the next issue? It looks like Fall of the Mutants, anyone else agree?

  21. Bulls/Hawk Eye’s mono-syllabic, post-mortem, self-satisfied, "AH" was chilling in the most twisted sense.

  22. Wow . . . powerful stuff with Bullseye here.
    @zenman – totally agree . . . 
    Very disturbing . . . and the silence of the a suited Norman looking at BS Hawk Eye — done so well.

  23. @mangamen I thought the same thing too but not sure if I would have noticed it if the ad for the trade wasn’t in the book.

    Good issue and this device seems to work better here then it did in SI.

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