Special POINT ONE issue.

START READING with this Point One issue!

In his bid for power, Wolverine’s son Daken has already singlehandedly taken over the underground criminal element of Madripoor, but he’s just getting started. Next on his list is the city of angels. That’s right, Daken’s headed to Hollywood but first he’s got a stop to make and score to settle. Enter Wolverine!

Guest starring the Avengers!

Story by Rob Williams
Art by Ron Garney
Colors by Kason Keith
Letters by Cory Petit
Cover by Giuseppe Camuncoli & Marte Gracia

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


  1. giving it a shot

  2. I may be the only ifanboy member who loves what daniel way has done on the wolverine books I mean I’ve heard ron richards call ways books crap and that jason aron wolverine books are the best but I say no I love daken and the daken book may be geting better I’m sorry to see liu and way go but rob williems and ron garney put this book way high on my list and its my pick of the week daken is the most interesting character to come out of marvel in years I like him way more than daimen

  3. Did Daken’s third claw grow back? When did that happen?

  4. @AquaPimp82  I think it was just a mistake. Don’t know how that got past the editors, though.

  5. Ugh, Spider-Man so should not be an Avenger.  

    Ron Garney grit at it’s finest, and Logan’s son, oh has the world changed.

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