Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%
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  1. I bet this issue the Countdown crew will create havov on Earth.  Only to be teleported at the end of issue 6 to another Earth…duh duh…duhhhhhh!  After making things really bad in issue 5, issue 4 will see them back on Apokolips to start the cycle all over again! 

    I really want to like you countdown.  Why do you keep making random story choices! I have no idea why every character had to be teleported to Apokolips…to do nothing but get teleported back to Earth just in time to destroy it!

  2. I think it’s because Dini is head writing this and another book.  With having random writers on this book it has felt jumpy since the beginning.  I agree I’ve wanted to like this book from day one, but it just has not been happening and I want all there to be no more crisis nonesense for a while.  FINAL CRISIS best mean that.

  3. I felt the same way. I really wanted this to be much better. But i can’t give up with only 7 issues left, can I?

  4. @MarkS: Ah the pains of being a comic collector. 

  5. I know what you mean.  To have that complete run means a lot to me.  I started to write a review of this book, but for some reason the only way I could start it was

    Dear DC Comics…

    It went down hill from there.  If everyone wants to honestly see my fury and rage about this book in a hateful letter let me know and I will post it.  I figured no one wanted to see the rantings of a mad man lunatic. 

  6. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, this book is SO painfully bad, but I don’t want to drop it since it is almost done.

  7. really.  it made little to no sense what so ever.  one would think that the effort and the quality of such a huge story line would only be made better towards the culmination of it.  Especially since this leads to the "most amazing life changing ultimate crisis of the dc universe, for every and ever, amen". lets pick it up dc, u only have a few chances left.  

  8. really.  it made little to no sense what so ever.  one would think that the effort and the quality of such a huge story line would only be made better towards the culmination of it.  Especially since this leads to the "most amazing life changing ultimate crisis of the dc universe, for every and ever, amen". lets pick it up dc, u only have a few chances left.  

  9. Why is this not as good as 52? That’s all I have to say about Countdown. But I still read it, because y’know… it’s has to do with Final Crisis! With Grant Morrison! And surely Final Crisis won’t be as bad as this, right?

  10. I liked this more than the last few, but ….

    What Earth were they on?!?!

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