CHEW 2ND PTG (PP #877) #2

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.0%


  1. It’s sad that a book this good has to have this many pulls for a reprint.  Hopefully LCS’s catch on this week and realize that people are actually reading this book… or that it even exists.

  2. Very happy for this, I missed it the first time round, been looking for a copy since.

  3. Aaaaand my store didn’t order any of these… I’m starting to think I’m not meant to read it.

  4. None of the stores near me have it!!!!!!!! 🙁  Some sort of problem with the distributor (I’m @ LI , NY)

  5. I called the east side branch of my store, and they said that a lot of shipments of this got damaged and had to be sent back.

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