Comic Books


On the run from ten thousand parallel worlds that want him dead, Casanova Quinn fights for his life inside his dying father’s E.M.P.I.R.E. He’s figured out the biggest secret in the world and now he and his girlfriend from beyond tomorrow, Sasa Lisi, embark on a ferocious triple-cross that means they’ll either win it all or spend forever in hell. Or heck. Or somewhere awful, trust me.

32 FULL-COLOR PAGES that have come from the future to MESS YOU UP.

Pencils & Cover by GABRIEL BÁ

Price: $4.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 2.1%
Avg Rating: 4.1
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  1. Hey! Casanova is back! Awesome.

  2. Agreed! I was just thinking about this book earlier today, what a coincidience!

  3. This may be my favorite comic cover of all time! That snowy mountaintop scene is so damn 007. The wait has been killing me ever since this image popped up on the Internets.

    • is that a picture of a Mexican Mafia dude? Interesting.

    • Yessir. I forget who now, but it was off some news article, & I liked seeing this guy on a “respectable” news site. My fanboy mind loved the Echo handprint too. And the mustache. Of course the mustache.

  4. I dig this comic book.

    Always nice to see another issue.

  5. Finally, the wait has been dragging !

  6. I loved the run before it had a 8 month break…but then it was $4.99? The back is filled rants by Matt and that is great, but can I have a version without that so it would be cheaper? No? Okay. I will have to drop you Mr. Casanova. It was fun while it lasted.

    • This volume of Casanova has always been $4.99. And the hiatus was 6 months, for what it’s worth.

      And did you notice that there are NO ADS? 32 pages of story and backmatter. That’s pretty sweet. And on better better paper too.

      So even if you don’t care for the backmatter, given what Marvel will put out for $3.99 (20 pages of story, interrupted by ads, on weak paper), I think this is a pretty nice package for the price.

      Hey, you can buy or not buy whatever you want, but to drop off a 4 issue series after the third issue because it’s a little more expensive than other books doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.

      I mean, if you think about it, the hiatus gave you 6 months to save up the extra few bucks, right?

    • It wouldn’t be cheaper, man. That stuff’s just to sweeten the pot. The big cost (either time and/or money) is the 32 pages of color, hand-lettered art. That’s 12 pages more than your $2.99 – $3.99 mainstream books.

      If you’re out, that’s cool. Everyone’s (almost) got bills to pay each month. (But then again, this isn’t exactly a monthly book…) I think the $4.99 price tag is a great deal, personally. Super-condensed storytelling with crazy concepts & Moon/Ba art.

    • Ah! Ken beat me to it.

    • Agreed. I’ll pay a buck or two more for 50% more story and no ads. I’m more than happy to help make up the lost ad revenue if it means an uninterrupted book.

    • I must have been rolling in the dough the first time round, because I do not remember the issues being priced at $4.99 before. Not to negate my previous post (well I guess i am a little), but you fine folks make a valid point. And I will reconsidered my decision to drop the series. I do miss the amazing dialogue and art/colors of this title. So…Thank you?

  7. I’m waiting for the final part before I read this series. For me it’s the only way to experience such a dense, rich universe(s). Looking forward to part 4 shipping in June (hopefully) and reading them all in the sun (also hopefully)

    • Yeah, I enjoyed issue three as an experience, but I can’t say I understood everything. My approach with Casanova is to just enjoy the art and the feeling the story gives me with each issue (which is considerable), and then hope it all hangs together when I can read the whole volume in one shot.

      According to Twitter, Fraction finished issue 4 about eight hours ago, so I think a June release is likely!

  8. Damn Diamond! Last week it was American Vampire and now, my Casanova didn’t come in.

    I’m starting to think I’m never getting this book!

    • This book is worth twice that to me – it is MILES better than most of the other ‘collapsing under their own bloat’ titles from the big two.
      Most titles have too many rules (the main one being, ‘nothing ever changes….really’) – Casanova is a dense, creative explosion that pushes the boundary – its only rule is to be fantastic.
      I like superheroes, and will be gladly shelling out the bucks to see Avengers and Dark Knight 3 (or whatever), but do you really think any Avengers title is doing anything close to what this title is in terms of clever, rich, complex, interwoven storytelling with expressive, clean art? Me neither.

    • @fenway, That does not make me feel any better… But glad to hear this issue rocks!

  9. Oops – sorry Jasonhart – I didn’t mean that directed at you – I hit ‘reply’ and it mistakenly replied to you (I meant in general 🙂 )

    But it does rock! 🙂
    (sorry you don’t have it yet)

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