Comic Books


Price: $1.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 3.7%


  1. Hey I’m really thinking about checking out this book but I can’t seem to find a good place to start, is there a new arc starting soon, or some jumping on point?

  2. @PatK

    Really, the best place to start is the first trade, which you can get relatively cheap. After that, i suggest picking up the previous issues of this arc.

    it will be well worth the investment.

  3. Yup. Start with the first trade of Casanova and work your way up to issues. The series trades’ well but it really shines in issues.

    Fraction is so creative and off kilter. I understand where his sensibilities can be off putting to some. But if you get the guy’s sesne of absurdity, you’ll enjoy the hell out of Casanova.

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