The acclaimed team of Ed Brubaker, Marc Andreyko, and Chris Samnee bring you the next chapter in the definitive history of Cap and Bucky’s early days. What was Cap and Bucky’s first mission together? And what was the tragedy that happened on it that changed everything about who Bucky was?

Story by Ed Brubaker & Marc Andreyko
Art by Chris Samnee
Colors by Bettie Breitweiser
Letters by Joe Caramagna
Cover by Ed McGuinness, Dexter Vines & Val Staples

Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 16.2%


Peteparker09/13/11NoRead Review
keith719808/27/11NoRead Review
AmirCat08/25/11YesRead Review
Neb08/24/11NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.7
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  1. I’ll admit, while the art in the last issue was a real treat, if a cut needs to be made to my pull list this one is on the block.

    Dammit, but I love Chris Samnee so!

  2. The Brubaker story has been solid so far and the Samnee art fantastic. I think I will commit to getting the 5 issues of this origin story. I am not sure where it supposed to go past there, but by then I will have only one Cap comic at most.

  3. After last week I have decided that this is the stronger of the 2 brubaker cap books out there. Add to that the fact that it’s cheaper and has Samnee on art. I am curious as to the long-term plan of this book though.

  4. You know, its taken me about 4 or 5 issues of his work, but I gotta say that I have finally learned to LOVE Samnee’s work. Its just…I dont even know, but the expressiveness is great. Love it.

  5. Wow. Wow wow wow. I take it back. If the quality is this high throughout, I’m in ’till the wheels fall off.


  6. This is a great comic. It’s just too bad they don’t have a beautiful Samnee cover to match those beautiful Samnee interiors.

  7. this book is awesome.

  8. I wouldn’t think I’d like this book, but I do. The Cap/Bucky interactions are great and feel fresh.

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