Comic Books


It’s the 70th Anniversary of Captain America’s debut and we’re celebrating by beginning a bold new direction!

A double-size main story by award-winning writer Ed Brubaker sees Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes both struggling with the shocking ramifications of the Trial of Captain America and what comes next!

A forgotten portrait of Captain America, painted in the waning days of World War II, brings up nearly forgotten memories of those turbulent and frightening years for Steve Rogers – memories of yearning, of loss and of innocence betrayed, brought to you by legendary writer/artist Howard Chaykin.

Captain America falls under the vampiric Baron Blood’s spell in an untold tale of the Invaders!

Plus: Steve Rogers: Super-Soldier, and the Secret Avengers investigate a modern day Hitler!

Story by Ed Brubaker, Howard Chaykin, Cullen Bunn, Mike Benson, Frank Tieri, Kyle Higgins & Alec Siegel
Art by Travis Charest, Mike Deodato, Ed McGuinness, Dexter Vines, Howard Chaykin, Jason Latour, Paul Grist, Paul Azaceta & Pepe Larraz
Colors by Justin Ponsor, Rain Beredo, Val Staples, Edgar Delgado, Rico Renzi, Lee Loughridge, Matthew Wilson & Chris Sotomayor
Letters by Joe Caramagna
Cover by Travis Charest & Steve Epting

Price: $4.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.8%


odare7703/31/11YesRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.2
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  1. Didn’t they release a 70th anniversary issue two years ago?

  2. This gets another chance because of an extremely light week.

    Couldn’t they just make a deal about it being issue 616?

  3. I think art by Travis Charest in a book like this is fucking awesome.

  4. @Slockhart  That was the 70th aniversary of the company. This is for the character.

    This book had almost lost me, but the awesome that was the #615.1 issue has me hanging around for greatness to return.

  5. Hope Steve puts the costume back on and carries the shield again. As much fun as Bucky was in the costume, it’s time for Steve to return to what he was born to do

  6. of course its 616, marvel, what universe could this really take place in?

  7. I hope we get a Winter Soldier series. I would totally pick that up. Or if Bucky landed in Uncanny X-force. (i know iknow, he’s not an x character. I can dream).

  8. @SomeCreepyDude  Minion means they should’ve made a bigger deal over it being issue #616.

  9. I hadn’t read the list of artists involved in this very closely, so turning the page to find some awesome Paul Grist drawn Cap was absolutely wonderful.

    I REALLY liked the two main stories in this too. Very very good stuff.

  10. This book has gotten into a rhythm of following really awful issues with relatively strong ones. I haven’t read this yet, but from what I’ve read here I just might be picking this up, despite being quite set on dropping it after the end of the Trial arc.

  11. I’ve been getting this in issues since 600. I’ve got all of the rest of the Brubaker in trades. Starting direct subscription at number 618.

  12. This was a GREAT issue. I hope they keep up the pace, though. It seems at every start of a new arc, it starts out great but ends on fading. Defintiely worth picking up.

  13. I’m a sucker for oversized anniversary issues, so I had a ball digging through all the goodness in this issue of a comic I haven’t picked up regularly in quite some time. The art and stories were all top-notch, though some of the WWII-based stories got a little heady for me. I’ve never been a big fan of war stories, but for those who are, there’s some good stuff in this issue for you. Not enough to make me a regular Cap reader, but enough to make me forgive and forget the mess that was CA:Reborn.

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