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changingshades05/09/09NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 3.5
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  1. I hate to admit this but this book is on the chopping block for me.  It just hasn’t been as good as it was in the beginning.

  2. I don’t know what a thrice-wise is, but if it looks like that, I dunno how Dawn fell vicitim to it’s charms…

  3. I have to say I’ve really been enjoying these one-shots.  I can see how the book doesn’t feel as urgent as it did when the storytelling had more arc to it, but I like these characters and i’m having fun with the book.

  4. The last three or so issues have been not good:( Where is Buffy?

  5. All the haters need to shake themselves! This book is tremendous!

  6. This book’s been on a rocky road since the end of the Dracula arc. For the first time, I’m even broaching the subject of dropping it.

  7. @conor, Stop the crazy talk! Long live Buffy!!!!

  8. I’m with Conor on this.  Maybe, and this is wild speculation of course, Whedon has been putting the extra time in trying to keep Dollhouse alive?  Since ‘Wolves at the Gate’ the only recent issues that I have liked were the ‘Swell’ issue and the Andrew team up.  

  9. Mmmm…been thinking about dropping this as well. Also, I may be in the minority that thinks the art isn’t all that.

  10. I’m a HUGE Buffy fan and this, while not in danger of being dropped…yet, has certainly lost momentum.  It’s certainly not on par with what IDW has done with Angel lately (The Byrne Angel book has been fantastic!).

  11. I’ll admit this book’s been on the weak side for these past five issues, but fear not. We have three five issue story arcs coming up next! No more one-shots and one-offs. Thank thee.

  12. Hrmm… Due to monetary reasons, this book will not get to me for two weeks! I had to order it online where I had store credit! Tough choice, but it’s not a book I feel the need to pick up right when it comes out. Hope you all enjoy it.

  13. I’m with Conor on this one.  Gonna give it a few more issues. 

  14. This issue seemed like they just wanted to wrap up the Dawn thing and move on, the resolution was rushed. It was never clear at all why Dawn was a doll at the end, plus, why does the Thrice-Wise have a vagina mouth?

    Despite all that, it was still better than the last issue.

  15. The issue was fine, the problem I think is that we’ve had 5 one-shots in a row and we want to get back to the bigger story. Also, why did Kenny just show up at the end out of nowhere? That seemed kinda cheap, but oh well, at least Dawn is Dawn again and we can move on. Just one more one-shot to go before we get back to things and catch up with Oz and Warren.

  16. Is no one going to comment on the vaginal orifice that is apparently Dawn’s boyfriend’s mouth? What the hell is that about?

  17. Buffy isn’t the only lesbian apparently?

  18. The Vaginal Orifice? That’s The Office spinoff isn’t it? I love that show!!!

  19. Not a bad issue, but I’ll probably skip next month’s one shot unless it gets really good reviews.

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