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iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 29.1%
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cylonpete | 05/21/08 | Yes | Read Review |
Avg Rating: 4.3
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The image of Dawn as a giant "godzilla" like character in Tokyo amuses me.
@SmokMnky I’d always go so far as to say that Joss did this (made her a giant) for exactly this reason…;-)
If they’d done a more abstract version Drew Goddard could’ve linked this issue into the press for the Cloverfield DVD.
@Eyun blurb for Cloverfield 2: The monster is back! After destroying most of Manhattan, the being only know as the ‘Cloverfield monster’ is out to take on Tokyo, Japan. But this time it’s not alone! Dawn, the little sister of Buffy Summers from the hit-show BtVS, isn’t so little anymore!!! Join us for a ride you’ll never forget, as two titans clash and only one remains standing!!
This movie is not yet rated.
The Ghostbusters reference made me giggle
@cylonpete – That movie sounds f**king awesome! I’m there opening day! 🙂
Is it just me, or does Buffy the Vampire Slayer consistently have the best cliffhangers in comics?
@JohnVFerrigno – It’s not just you, dude.