“Why is mommy crying, Uncle Hollis?”

And don’t miss the latest chapter of the “Crimson Corsair” backup feature from writer/artist JOHN HIGGINS!

Story by Darwyn Cooke & John Higgins
Art by Darwyn Cooke & John Higgins
Colors by Phil Noto
Letters by Jared K. Fletcher
Cover by Darwyn Cooke & Michael Cho

Price: $3.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 2.6%


Metamorphic12/07/12NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.7
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  1. This has been absolutely fantastic. The art, the story, I’m so glad I picked this up in floppies.

  2. II’m trade-waiting this, but I wanted to pop in and say that is a beautiful cover. Nobody draws a classy pinup like Cooke. Come to think of it, nobody does anything like Cooke.

  3. Has anyone heard anything about how exactly the Before Watchmen trades will be grouped?

    • Nothing official (or rumored actually), but I’m guessing each series will be collected in Hardcover first (like some of the New 52 titles), then Trade and then an Absolute or Omnibus-type collection (like all the New 52#1 and #0 HC).

      Just speculation of course.

  4. Uh oh… Things look bad for Hollis…

    Totally unexpected issue as per usual. I would read an ongoing of this.

    Or – even better – Cooke doing a monthly pre-Supes DC hero team a la JSA…

    I live in a dream of better worlds.

    • Yeah I just love the way Cooke draws/writes superheros. So rich, classy and refreshing. I look forward to anything he does.

      Minutemen has been absolutely fantastic and hands down the highlight of this long and rather tedious Before Watchmen outing.

    • Long and tedious? I think all of these books have been far more gripping than most of the other books on the rack.

      I like one a week better than two.

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