Comic Books


Price: $2.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.6%


Bedhead09/17/09NoRead Review
CatEyedFox09/16/09YesRead Review
akamuu09/16/09NoRead Review


  1. Here’s the original Beasts of Burden series (which won an Eisner):

  2. I love this. Can’t believe they finally get their own series. Yay Dark Horse!

  3. Yeah, these stories were definitely highlights of each of the "Book of…" series. Looking forward to spooky pet-action.

  4. @miyamotofreak: Dude! You are awesome! I did go ahead and buy the GN from because the other stories also sound excellent and spooky, but you are still my hero for the day.

  5. I completely forgot this came out! I’m not sure if I’ll trade wait or hope my LCS still has it.

  6. I thought this story was full of fun and whimsy but also dark. However, I have to say I did feel like I was starting at a disadvantage not having read the original stories, which made me knock this down to a 4/5. Still excellent work and with awesome art.

  7. I adore Evan Dorkin *and Jill Thompson and have since the 90s. I loved this book, really excited to see where this goes.

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