Comic Books
The finale to Kevin Smith and Walt Flanagan’s Batman tale! Thanks to Silver St. Cloud, Bruce is trying to learn how to trust people. But Batman is an integral part of who he is, so how can he really trust anyone? Batman even has a run-in with Catwoman because of his relationship with Silver. And when he decides to put all of his trust into someone, will he be rewarded…or punished? Don’t miss this extra-sized finale to volume one of WIDENING GYRE!
Variant cover by GENE HA
Price: $4.99
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 1.4%
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I have really enjoyed this. Sure people don’t like Kevin Smith that much and I know I am not a massive fan of Flanagan’s art, but there has been something really enjoyable about the series.
I think my love of Smith bias’s me somewhat, but I really enjoy a massive fan of the series doing his own vision of such iconic villains and heros
i’ve never been able to find this series. Looks interesting from the cover at alone. I guess i’ll check out the trades.
I know I’ve been enjoying this series, but as this is one of those mini-series that I have a hard time remembering what happened from issue to issue. Apart of me wishes I had waited for a collected edition of this, but then again, some of these covers have been worth the cover price alone!
That said, I am very much looking forward to sitting down and re-reading the series in its entirety.
With all the people being down on Kevin Smith these days, I gave this the benifit of doubt and despite not being able to clearly remember everything, I am glad I stuck with this.
I have all 5 issues and haven’t looked at them yet. I guess I’ll be catching up this week.
@Mustbedamned: 56 pages.
It’s appropriate this is late. I kid, I kid. This has been a fun, if not slightly out of character, out of continuity Batman story, especially with no Bruce Wayne around right now. Is it as good as his DD of Green Arrow stuff? Hell
This series has been disappointing & I’m only buying this because I’m what the comics companies must love — a sucker completist.
@WadeWilson – Totally disagree. Read this whole thing in one sitting. The story hangs together really well. I was really anticipating this final issue, what would happen with Silver and Baphomet? I thought Smith did a great job building to the climax.
I guess what I like most about this series is that focusing on "Can Bruce truly find love and continue being Batman" and "Can Bruce learn to trust (and should Bruce learn to trust?)" is a little different than solving the Riddler’s puzzle or taking down Killer Croc.
I haven’t read much Kevin Smith, so I have no idea if the hate is deserved (I wouldn’t be suprised if it was!) but he and Flanagan have really cooked up an entertaining Batman mini-series.
This series works better if you think of it as sort of Elseworlds, btw…
@Uthorna- I’ve read all of Smith’s comics & can tell ya that this is one of his wekaest efforts (IMO). You should check out his Daredevil run & his early Green Arrow.
This issue was like the rest of the series for me — disappointing. And the non-ending was pretty damn annoying. Especially when it cost $4.99!
just to remind and inform this book will return next year with vol 2 ans i liked the the cliffhanger i did not see it comming i like it whn tha happens
i like it when that happens
I just read this, all in one sitting as another poster mentioned. It really worked well as a whole. I thought it was great and took the characters into new situations, which is interesting. Sure, it had some Kevin Smith humor, but that can serve to humanize the characters. And the ending? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! I did NOT see that coming. There were a couple of clues, but I was totally surprised.
Seriously bothered by the idea that Batman pissed himself during the best moment of Year One. I can’t fucking believe DC let that go through.